Ads and Sponsorships

Advertising packages:

All advertising packages have a maximum duration of 3 months and consist of a combination of the following: The weekly e-newsletter reaches over 3,500 emails every Saturday, over 500 copies of the quarterly printed Passages are handed out to residents, monthly digital Passages are posted on social media platforms & sent out to subscribers reaching over 4,000 readers.

Sponsorship packages:

GNW sponsorship packages allow you to become apart of making neighborhood events and youth sports possible. Whether you’d like to come out to market your services or strictly be a silent partner, we have packages available to accommodate all!

For answers to any further questions, feel free to contact our Communications Specialist via email at

Sign Up for Our Weekly Newsletter

If you’re interested in frequent updates, we have a weekly e-newsletter, emailed to subscribers every Saturday morning! Sign up to receive The e-NW at the link below.